Support Groups
*Some support groups are meeting in-person; however, some continue to meet virtually as of 10/1/24
Please do not attend any of our meetings if you have
symptoms associated with cold, flu, or covid.
Mask may be required.
Weekly BIPOC drop-in recovery support group
for people of color
For info call 510-882-2286
Visit website for Bay Area meeting locations.
Most meeting are still online.
Sex Addicts Anonymous (LGBTQ - SAA)
Trans Masculine Support Group
1st & 3rd Mondays
5:30-8PM (virtual)
Contact finnegansware@gmail.com
Contact 510-882-2286 for group information
Weekly LGBTQ Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Tuesday ​7pm - 8:30pm
This group is in-person at the Center
Mask may be required.
Please do not attend if you have symptoms associated
with cold, flu, or covid.
For zoom meetings or to find a loation near you
please visit NA,org
For questions about the Center please call: 510-882-2286
Older and Out 55+ Group (in-person)
Every Wednesday 1:15pm-2:45pm
For details please email:
Youth Club ( ages 13-17) & (18-26)
Contact (510) 347-8713 for group information
or email: Sandy - Lasawndra@oaklandlgtqcenter.com
or Ashlee - ashlee@oaklandlgbtqcenter.org
Trans Women and Trans Femme Support Circle
1st & 3rd Wednesday 6:00-7:30PM
Contact 510-882-2286 for group information
or email jade@oaklandlgbtqcenter.org
Black Connect (for gay/bi/trans/queer men)
2nd Thursday 7:00pm-8:30pm (in-person)
Contact (510) 882-2286 for group information
PowerX- - Latinx Support Group (for gay/bi/trans/queer men)
3rd Thursdays 7:00pm-8:30pm (in-person)
Contact jose@oaklandlgbtqcenter.org or (510) 882-2286 for group information
Click here to register for the group
Social Seniors (in-person)
4th Fridays
Participants must register for this activity.
Click here for more information.
Game Night
4th Fridays 6pm-8:30pm
Bi/ Pansexual Peer Support Group
2nd Saturday 3-4PM (virtual only)
Contact (510) 882-2286 for group information
Black Women Connect
3rd Saturday 3:30-5pm
call 510-882-2286 for question